Case Study


Travemünde, Germany (July 1st 2024): Fluechem, takes another step forward in its sustainability strategy by safely delivering a full truck load of 25mt of caustic soda 50% to two vessels in the same port on the same day resulting in a 50% reduction of truck CO2 emissions and transportation costs for the customer.

Sustainable Operations

Fluechem’s commitment is to operate in a sustainable way creating value for stakeholders and using resources so that the needs of future generations will not be compromised, respecting people, the environment and the society as a whole.

Our team is always focusing on improving our environmental performance as part of our overall long term sustainability strategy within stakeholder boundaries.

Reducing Delivery Emissions

A key element of the overall carbon footprint associated with the supply of caustic soda 50% to vessels is the logistics from the production facility to the port of delivery. The Fluechem logistics team operates in compliance with four principles of sustainable operations.

  • Meet business needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  • Identify and address material sustainability impacts in our daily approach to business.
  • Play our part in achieving the UN’s sustainable development goals.
  • Recognise that operating sustainably is not an option but a condition for future prosperity and remaining in business.

The Opportunity

The trading team received two enquiries from two vessels at the port of Travemünde for delivery on the same day, one request for 15mt of caustic soda 50% in bulk and the other request for 10mt of caustic soda 50% in bulk. Typically this would be supplied by two part loaded road tankers dispatched from the production plant. However, the Fluechem team engaged the vessels’ owner to discuss options to combine the two loads into one truck to reduce  CO2 emissions and transportation costs.

Overcoming Delivery Constraints

Whilst on the face of it a simple task, the product allocation process and port / customs formalities were far more complex than initially envisaged, recognising that caustic soda 50% is a hazardous substance.

The Fluechem logistics team worked with the loading facility to document and weigh the two loads into the tanker truck whilst identifying a truck with an approved onboard allocation system that would meet the customs and export requirements at the port. Furthermore, due to the vessel arrival times being six hours apart, a schedule was developed to ensure the truck driver remained available within their statutory working hours.

The Fluechem delivery team ensured all the documentation and approvals for the local authorities were in place prior to the trucks arrival and the vessels agreed with the delivery and measurement process whilst also checking that the truck had the vessel connections for both vessels.

Delivery Success

The delivery to both vessels was completed safely and efficiently as planned.

“A core goal of Fluechem is to always look at how and where we can deliver solutions for our customers on a day-to-day basis,” said Mike Reid, Head of Logistics at Fluechem. “The ability to reduce costs and emissions sits high on our agenda and that’s why it forms such a big part of our ethos. Our experience in delivering caustic soda 50% allowed us to optimise a solution for a customer which delivered both”

Saving Money – Reducing Emissions

One of Fluechem’s Unique Selling Points which underpin all deliveries is “Innovation” – investing in solutions to reduce customer costs and emissions.

Some innovations are not as apparent as others. The practical implementation of an innovative logistics solution resulted an optimised delivery by one, rather than two trucks, which saved the customer 50% transportation costs and reduced CO2 emissions by 50%

Sometimes the simplest solutions have the most impact.

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